Prayer of Bike Blessing
May God bless you and keep you safe on this machine.
May you meet and encounter the risen Lord in your travels,
in the freedom of the open road,
the fellowship of other bikers and in each person you meet.
May the Lord be with you at home and on the road.
May he accompany you when you start on your many journeys:
May he fill your life abundantly with his many blessings;
May he keep all your riding safe.
May his mercy, grace and love shine upon your every road.
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Lord, send your angels to protect me and fly beside me as I ride.
Have them point me out to all of the other motorists
that I would appear as a bright and shining star before them.
Have your angels point out all of the obstacles in my way,
both seen and unseen
that I would easily be able to avoid them.
Lord let my life of safe ridding be a testimony to your peace, love, power and protection.
In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.
Lord, thank you for the open air,
The feel of wind blowing through my hair;
Just me alone upon my bike,
The thrill of freedom is what I like.
To wind through the country unexplored,
Not knowing what I’ll see, Lord.
That’s what I seek when off I ride.
I’m thankful that you’re at my side.
And when my journey comes to an end
It’s you I’ll be with Lord, my Friend.
O, dear Father,
I ask for you to watch over me
as I ride from point a to b.
Help all other motorists to see me clearly
and help me to stay out of their way.
Bring me back to my family in one-piece dear God,
these things I pray.
Lord, thanks for the privilege of riding today,
Hard on the throttle, wind in my face,
My spirit free as the beauty of the earth passes by.
Help me to ride safe and be courteous and patient.
Thanks for paving the highway to heaven, Jesus,
When you gave your life for me on the cross.
Help me to live my life for you.
Lord, I am sorry for the things that I have said and done
To hurt you and others.
Help me to say a kind word to the folks along the rode today.
Lord, please go ahead and guide me,
Stay beside me for comfort, and behind me for protection.
Thanks for setting me free in Jesus’ name. Amen.
A Motorcyclist's Prayer
O Lord; I thank you for the marvel of a motorcycle,
alive and powerful at the touch of my hand and feel;
a thing of tremendous possibilities, wonderful or terrible.
Help me to achieve the skill
that will control it completely and wisely
like a tool shaping a better life for me and those around me.
I thank you for the promise of adventure that is mine each time I start; the thrill of open roads to places, strange sights, new neighboring.
Make me aware, as I drive the streets of my town,
signaling, stopping, waiting, turning and zooming ahead,
that I do not have to deal merely with trucks, taxis, cars, bicycles or pedestrians, but with people.
People such as I know and touch as I walk the sidewalks
and enter the homes of my neighborhood.
People such as I am, making mistakes perhaps,
but not really wanting to.
Because I like people and know how important their happiness is,
and how precious they are to you,
let me be alert, courteous, patient, considerate of the rights of others
on the road,
gracious enough to give up some of the rights of my own
and always careful, realizing that another loss would rob my gain,
and the life I save is just as precious as my own. Amen
Bike Blessing
May the lord bless you and keep you
May the lord give you a lot of sunny days for riding
May you ride even in weather
May the lord keep you and your path away from danger
May the critters stay ever on the side of the road and not in your lane
May the drivers of four wheeled vehicles have super natural vision to see you
May their blind spots be few and their tail gating minimal
And may you be gracious to those who are not
May youre equipment run well, even old Harleys
May you stay awake when driving the sleeper sofa on two wheels call a gold wing
May you have restraint on the throttle when your sportbike cries out to be shown off
May your passengers lean with you and not against you
May the gravel on the curb be swept clear before you arrive
May you do safety inspections as often as you polish your chrome
May you perform maintentane when needed and replace tires when worn
May the toll booth be clear when you arrive and free from any oil at your feet
May you sense the traffic bottle necks and avoid them
May your maps ever be accurate
May the gas prices drop and the miles driven increase
May you find new friends to ride with and old friends available at a moments notice
May you be happy when someone gloats about a new bike and not envious
And may you honor God with your body at rest stops
May summer temperatures be just right, fall leaves more beautiful than ever, and winter as late as can be
May you thank God every time you ride for such a good blessing
May you drink in every ounce of joy he wants you to know
And may the sense of freedom you feel create a hunger for it in every aspect of your life
May the lord be with you
And protect you always
May the lord shelter your every movement and shield you from all harm
And may the lord make his face to shine upon you and give you peace